Workshops, Seminars, Conferences and Activities

Many workshops, seminars and activities were organized and implemented by the center.

Workshops, Seminars and Conferences such as

  • Geophysical Inspection Techniques, PPU, January 2015.

  • From Waste to Profit – Dream or Reality, USM, January 2015.
  • Modern ways of Quarrying, Processing and Promoting of Natural Stone, April 2014.
  • From Waste to Profit, PSMC, December 2013.

  • Industrial Safety in stone facilities, USM, April 2012.
  • The Future of Stone and Marble Industry in Palestine, PPU, February 2011.
  • Enhancing Sustainable Partnership between Governmental, Industrial and Academic Sectors towards the Development of the Palestinian Industry (AGIP)”, May 2010.


Other Activities such as:

  • A scientific tour to Turkey, related to partnership between Public, Private and Academic sectors in Turkey, Aug 2010.
  • Participating in the International Stone Fairs:-

-          Verona Fair – Italy, September 2010 and September 2013.

-          Coverings Fair, Georgia –USA, April 2013.

  • Signing MoUs with the following institutions:

-          Italian Marble Institute, (ISIM)

-          Land Research Center, (LRC)

-          Construction and Transportation Research Unit, (CTRU)

  • Scientific field tours for the PSMC students to some stone Quarries and Companies and related institutions, like, Nassar Stone Company, Union of Stone and Marble (USM), Alsharabati Co., Altaqaddom Co., Almisk Co. and others.